About Utah Preference Points

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 4 February, 2007 at

Preference Points:
Preference points are used to ensure that applicants who are unsuccessful,
or who apply for a preference point in the drawing for general buck
deer or the general buck/bull combination, will have first preference in the
next year’s drawing for the respective permits.
Preference points only apply to general buck deer and general buck/
bull combination hunts and are awarded for each unsuccessful application.
An individual, who does not want to hunt in the current year, may
apply for a preference point only, for general buck deer by selecting the
appropriate preference point code (GDR) on the application and paying the
$5 handling fee. The application period is January 17–February 16, 2007.
A preference point will not be issued if an applicant is successful in
drawing any general buck deer or general buck/bull combination permit,
regardless of the region or choice number. For example, if an applicant
chooses the Southeastern Region as a first choice and the Northern Region
as a second choice, and draws the Northern Region permit (the second
choice), a preference point will not be awarded.
Preference points are not forfeited if an individual obtains a remaining
The Division has retained electronic records of all general buck deer
application information from the year 2000 to present.

How your Preference Points work in the draw:
Preference points are averaged and rounded down when two or more
applicants apply as a group. For example, if hunter A with three preference
points and hunter B with zero preference points apply as a group, the preference
points are averaged (1.5) and rounded down to one. This process
will determine in which group of preference points your application will be
considered. This group with one preference point will be considered after
all groups or individuals with two or more preference points and before all
groups or individuals with zero preference points.
In a second example, if hunter A with one preference point and
hunter B with zero preference points apply as a group, the preference
points are averaged (0.5) and rounded down to zero. This process will
determine in which group of preference points your application will be
considered. This group with zero preference points will be considered
after all groups or individuals with one or more preference points have
been considered.
In the drawing, the general buck deer applications are sorted into
groups by the number of preference points, from highest to lowest—a
4 Preference Point Group, a 3 Preference Point Group, etc. Within each
group of preference points, the applications are then sorted from lowest
to highest draw numbers. (You receive only one random draw number for
the general deer hunt.) Permits are awarded in order, based on the hunt
choice selected.
Applicants who apply for a general buck deer permit will receive
a preference point, even if they are successful in obtaining a premium
limited entry, limited entry, or CWMU deer or elk permit in the drawing.
An individual may surrender their general buck deer permit prior to
the season opening date for the purpose of reinstating the number of
preference points, including a preference point for the current year (just
as if a permit had not been drawn).

You cannot apply for a General Buck Deer or General Buck/Bull Combination
Permit or a Preference Point if:

You are currently under wildlife license suspension for big game
A complete copy of these regulations (R657-5-37) can be found at

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