About Utah Bonus Points

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 4 February, 2007 at

Bonus Points:
Bonus points apply to each species in the Bucks, Bulls and Oncein-
a-Lifetime Drawing. A bonus point is awarded for each unsuccessful
application to hunt premium limited entry, limited entry, management
bull elk and CWMU buck deer, bull elk and pronghorn, and for unsuccessful
applications for the state’s once-in-a-lifetime species—bison, bighorn
sheep, moose and mountain goat.
An individual, who does not want to hunt in the current year, may
still apply for a bonus point only, for one or more species, by selecting the
appropriate hunt choice or choices on the application and paying the $5
handling fee. The application period is January 17–February 16, 2007.
Because bonus points are applied for by species, any person who is eligible
to hunt the species may apply for a bonus point for premium limited
entry, limited entry, management bull elk or once-in-a-lifetime, even if
that particular hunt is not being offered that year.
To apply for a bonus point, you must be eligible for the hunt for which
you are applying. For example, if you are eligible for a limited entry buck
deer permit, you are eligible to apply for a limited entry buck deer bonus
You can apply for:
one limited entry permit and one once-in-a lifetime permit; or
one limited entry bonus point and one once-in-a-lifetime bonus
point; or
one limited entry permit and one once-in-a-lifetime bonus point; or
one limited entry bonus point and one once-in-a-lifetime permit.
If you apply for a permit, and a bonus point for the same species, your
application will be rejected.
If you apply for more than one premium limited entry or limited entry
bonus point, your application will be rejected.
If you apply for more than one once-in-a-lifetime bonus point, your
application will be rejected.
Your general buck deer permit application does not affect bonus points
for limited entry deer. If you draw a general buck deer permit, you will still
receive a bonus point for your unsuccessful premium limited entry, limited
entry or CWMU application.
The Division has retained electronic copies of application information
from 1996 to present.

How your Bonus Points work in the draw:
Fifty percent (odd numbers are rounded down) of the permits for each
hunt unit number are reserved for applicants with the most bonus points.
You receive one random drawing number for each species you apply
for and one for every bonus point you have for that species. Your lowest
random number is used in the drawing.
Bonus points are averaged and rounded down when two or more
applicants apply as a group. For example, if hunter A with seven bonus
points and hunter B with zero bonus points apply as a group, the bonus
points are averaged (3.5) and rounded down to three. The group receives
three random draw numbers for the bonus points, plus one random draw
number for the group application, for a total of four draw numbers. The
lowest random number is used in the drawing.
In the draw for limited entry buck deer, the applications are sorted
into groups by the number of bonus points, from highest to lowest—a 10
Bonus Point Group, a 9 Bonus Point Group, etc. Hunters applying alone will
be treated as a group of one. Within each group of bonus points for limited
entry buck deer, the applications are sorted from lowest to highest draw
number. Permits are awarded in order, based on the hunt choice selected.
Any person may surrender their premium limited entry, limited entry
or once-in-a-lifetime permit prior to the season opening date, for the
purpose of waiving the waiting period normally assessed and reinstating
the number of bonus points, including a bonus point for the current year
(just as if a permit had not been drawn).

You cannot apply for a hunt or receive a Bonus Point if:
you are currently under wildlife license suspension for big game
hunting; or
you are currently under a waiting period for that species; or
you have already obtained a permit for that once-in-a-lifetime
species; or
you have not met the required harvest reporting requirement for
premium limited entry, limited entry or once-in-a-lifetime species.
A complete copy of these regulations (R657-5-37) can be found at

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