Hunters Can’t, Police Can

This entry was posted by on Friday, 21 December, 2007 at

It’s hard to believe that folks in Helena, Montana have retrogressed to this point, but they want someone to kill the wintering deer that are hanging around town. At first, the squeaky wheel residents were pushing for the state/city to hire sharpshooters to do the dirty work. At-least one resident is claiming that the deer aren’t that much of a nuisance, but he is being ignored.

Hunters can't kill dangerous deerIn a dangerous, precedent-setting measure, the city has decided to employ police officers to rid the city of 50 dangerous deer. This measure is supported by the Montana DFWP. Using hunters is considered a dangerous risk, but police will be authorized to kill animals at night using special heat-sensing equipment and silencers, so the deadly deed will go unnoticed by those prudent souls that are ordering the slaughter. All consciences thus protected.

If you can believe it, the current proposal is to net the deer, take them to public lands, and then have them executed by police. Need I say more?

Another foot in the door for the so-called animal huggers?

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