Tags Still Available For Deer, Elk Hunts
(Press Release) 06-07-2009
For those hoping for another chance to get a tag for this year’s big game season, there are still 1,191 tags remaining for hunters wishing to apply for the Second Draw on June 19.
The Second Draw will open at 8 a.m. on June 19 at www.huntnevada.com and will close at 5 p.m. on July 6.
Any eligible hunter, including those who didn’t apply in the first draw, may apply for the following remaining tags in the Second Draw.
· Hunt 1341 Resident & Nonresident Mule Deer Antlered Longbow Archery: 101 tags. A portion of these tags were nonresident remaining tags that are now available to residents.
o Units 101 – 108 Early: 80 remaining tags
o Units 211, 212: 17 remaining tags
o Units 251 – 253: 2 remaining tags
o Units 261 – 268: 1 remaining tag
o Units 271, 272: 1 remaining tag
· Hunt 4111 Resident Elk Antlerless Longbow Archery
o Unit 073: 3 remaining tags
· Hunt 1181 Resident Mule Deer Antlerless Rifle
o Units 101,102 and that portion of Unit 104 East of the CCC and Quilici Spring Roads: 740 remaining tags
· Hunt 1107 Resident Junior Mule Deer Either Sex: 347 tags
o Unit 032: 2 remaining tags
o Unit 035: 6 remaining tags
o Unit 051: 72 remaining tags
o Units 071 – 079, 091: 66 remaining tags
o Units 101- 108: 62 remaining tags
o Units 141 – 145: 14 remaining tags
o Units 171 – 173: 93 remaining tags
o Units 181 – 184: 12 remaining tags
o Units 211, 212: 5 remaining tags
o Units 251 – 253: 15 remaining tags
For more information on remaining tags, maps, hunter information sheets and season regulations visit www.ndow.org.