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If there is anything about MULE DEER, we are interested in providing it or in sharing it with you. This site is all about MULE DEER with a little variety thrown in for good measure. As my mother used to say, “variety is the spice of life.” We have a lot of MULE DEER variety. You might say, we are not very wide, but we are deep.
You may not be impressed to know something about me, but if you care to know, click that little tab at the top that says “About”. I am a DIY MULE DEER guy. I Never have used a guide, though they are great for many. Never have slept in a motel for hunting. I’ve been in all kinds of places…. and seen many, many huge bucks…. a lot got away but we have killed a few. I consider myself a MULE DEER FANATIC. How about you?
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This guy is a brother of a friend. He has killed a lot of BIG Mule Deer. I am truly envious.

Does this Mexico buck look like a new World Record?
Jason Gisi’s buck IS the current SCI World’s Record at 221 3/8 for Desert Mule Deer. I got to hold it in my hands when my Dad officially measured it for SCI. The pictures don’t do the buck justice – it’s freaky big in person. Chad Smith of Vaquero Outfitters was his guide.
28 5/8, 28 4/8 beams
32 1/8 inside
Mexico, Hermosillo – Jan, 2005
Eli Grimmett
Kyle Lopez, 14, of Divide, Colorado – killed this buck during the 2007 season:
He tagged a trophy buck that, according to reports, has scored more than 303 inches net Boone and Crockett and will be the largest buck ever taken by a youth as well as the largest mule deer taken in more than 20 years. The buck has 41 points and a 37 2/8 inch outside spread. The main frame alone is more than 207 inches with more than 100 inches of nontypical points.

Kit Maxfield, a Hunting Sports Plus Member and his big Kansas Buck for 2006
Here is his story:
I left the HSP office on Thursday night after work in the middle of the big snow storm for the opening weekend of the KS 06′ deer rifle season. After a long white knuckle drive out to North Western Kansas I arrived at my motel which was only about 8 miles from the farm that I had reserved.
Each day I saw a ton of Mulies (30-40), and was trying to locate a trophy buck to put a stalk on. I had seen plenty of bucks each day, almost pulled the trigger on a few. I had held out until the third night of my hunt (had to get back to work), when I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. One after another Mulies were appearing out of what seemed to be nothing. That evening I had been watching an absolute monster for about a half an hour, when two others stepped out. They meandered about in the alfalfa and the second largest of the group broke off from the main herd to tend a small group of does that were headed East of my location. The small group of does walked up and over a hill right in front of me, and the buck followed suit. Once this buck crested the hill it was the first time in the trip that I had a real opportunity to close the distance between myself and a shooter buck.
Do I wait for the biggest buck of the group to come closer when I only had about a half an hour of legal shooting hours, or do I leave all of my gear behind and make it happen with the buck that just went over the hill. In my head these thoughts were racing, then all I could think was “GOGOGOGOGOGO”. I left my gear behind and made a b-line to a point where I thought I could get a shot off. As I approached the apex of the hill I could not see any deer, and then as the buck lifted his head, all I saw was bone. The buck in the picture was the second largest of the three trophy animals that I saw that evening. The largest is still running around, and at least survived the opening weekend of the season.

This buck was harvested on Mid-America Hunting Association land by hunter Nathan.

This buck came from the same Association, killed by James P.

Muley Madness South Dakota Style
Bob’s buck scored 205 Gross
This story just in from the Rapid City Journal:
“Bob Healey of Box Elder hunted for many years to finally shoot a buck big enough to put on the wall. He dropped it opening day of the West River rifle deer season on public land “in northwest South Dakota.”
By Kevin Woster
“Kansas deer hunters boast about having record numbers of “Huge Bucks.” It certainly cannot be denied, but there could be an underlying reason — for years, non-residents were not allowed to deer hunt in Kansas! Now that the state has allowed non-residents in on a drawing basis, those that received the lucky draw, can attest to that fact — Kansas has an abundant number of huge bucks.

From my friend, John Hull:
Stan’s deer was nice but, here’s a picture of the new world record whitetail. It was taken by the
cousin of a co-worker’s sister’s, uncle’s, best friend’s, son-in-law’s cousin.
Reportedly it will score 603 1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas .
Supposedly, this deer had killed a bull, two landrovers and six hunters in the last two weeks alone. They said he was in a fierce fight with Bigfoot when he was shot. 

Why can’t these guys get it straight?
Joel Eggars killed this 251 pound 198 point buck in Randolph County, Illinois.