Archive for 2009

Girly Buck

Posted by on Sunday, 19 April, 2009

Is this a beautiful sight or what?

If she can do it, why can’t you?

Nevada Deadline Approaching

Posted by on Wednesday, 15 April, 2009

If you want to apply for a Nevada Mule Deer hunt, don’t wait much longer. The deadline is April 20.

Click NEVADA ONLINE APPICATION go to the states page where you can access the online applications

New Mexico deadline extended

Posted by on Sunday, 12 April, 2009



The Department of Game and Fish has extended the deadline to apply for big-game licenses and permits to Friday, April 17, in response to delays caused by extreme pressure on the agency’s telephones and computer server.

Many customers who waited until the last few days before the original April 8 deadline were not able to connect by computer to obtain a new Customer Identification Number. The number is required this year for everyone applying for licenses and permits. The free numbers only can be obtained online or at a Department office in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Raton, Roswell or Las Cruces. Two days before the original deadline the Department Web site recorded more than 1.6 million hits, almost three times the daily average.

Department office telephone lines also were deluged with calls about the Customer ID Number, forgotten passwords and other questions.

The Department is expecting to receive more than 150,000 applications for about 50,000 available licenses and permits for deer, elk, antelope, javelina, ibex, Barbary sheep and bighorn sheep.

Online applications must be received by 5 p.m. MDT April 17. Paper applications must be postmarked by April 17 or delivered to the Department office in Santa Fe by 5 p.m. MDT April 17.

Online applicants are encouraged to apply early to avoid missing the deadline because of forgotten passwords or other computer-related issues at the last minute. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applicants are reminded that everyone applying for a public-land license or permit, or purchasing a license via a private land authorization or the Valles Caldera must first obtain a free Customer ID Number online at or in person from any Department office. This number must be included on each application, paper or online, or the application will be rejected.

All applicants who were licensed to hunt deer or elk, or to hunt or trap furbearers in the 2008-2009 seasons must have submitted a harvest report to be eligible for the upcoming drawing. Hunters and trappers who did not report by the deadlines — Feb. 15 for deer and elk hunters, April 7 for furbearer hunters and trappers — can still participate in the 2009-2010 drawings if they submit their harvest survey and pay an $8 late fee before applying. Hunters who fail to report their 2008-2009 harvest results — successful or not — will have their 2009-2010 applications rejected. Harvest reports can be submitted online at or by calling toll-free (888) 248-6866.
Results will be available in early June on the Department Web site or in person at any Department office

Colorado Deadline Approaching

Posted by on Wednesday, 1 April, 2009

April 7 is the last day to apply for limited-entry mule deer hunts in Colorado

New Mexico deadline Extended

Posted by on Wednesday, 1 April, 2009

The original deadline was April 8 2009, however, owing to overcrowding of the internet resources, the deadline has been extended to April 15, 2009

Walmart Bucks and Does with Antlers

Posted by on Thursday, 19 March, 2009

Here are two rather unusual cases of deer poaching:


In mid-February, 2009 someone killed two mule deer and dumped the heads in a WalMart parking lot in Oregon.

In late November 2008, a Vermont teenager bolted the antlers of a buck on a dead doe and ran it through a checking station, during a buck only hunt. He was fined $400 and put in jail.

Utah Shed Antler Permits

Posted by on Saturday, 14 March, 2009

According to Tom Wharton of the Deseret News, in Salt Lake City, 10000 people have applied for shed antler permits in Utah as of March 12

Wyoming Applications Due

Posted by on Tuesday, 10 March, 2009

If you are going to apply for a deer hunt in Wyoming you have until March 15.

For more info go to the States page and click on Wyoming

Wolf Status

Posted by on Wednesday, 25 February, 2009

As quoted from the Wyoming Game and Fish :


On March 28, 2008, wolves were officially removed from the Endangered Species List in the Northern Rocky Mountains. This includes the entire states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, as well as portions of Utah, Oregon, and Washington. However, a number of groups have filed a lawsuit challenging the delisting of wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Those same groups filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to restore Endangered Species Act protection to wolves while the lawsuit is being heard. On July 18, 2008, a federal judge in Montana granted this injunction, returning management authority for wolves to the federal government.

News Release
Contact: Eric Keszler
July 18, 2008
Cheyenne Headquarters
5400 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82006
Phone: (307) 777-4594 ▪ Fax: (307) 777-4600
Federal Court Decision Changes Wolf Management in Wyoming
CHEYENNE—A decision issued today in federal court will have significant impacts on the way
wolves are managed in Wyoming. Judge Donald Molloy issued an injunction to suspend the
removal of wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains from the federal Endangered Species List.
Wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains were removed from the Endangered Species List in
March 2008. A number of environmental groups are challenging the US Fish and Wildlife
Service’s delisting decision. Today’s injunction effectively returns management authority for
wolves in the region to the federal government while these legal challenges are heard.
Under state management, wolves in Wyoming were classified as Trophy Game animals in the
northwest corner of the state and Predatory animals in the rest of the state. In the Trophy Game
area, wolves could only be taken by hunters with a wolf hunting license during an open season or
by ranchers who had been issued a lethal take permit by the Game and Fish. In the Predatory
Animal area, wolves could be taken by anyone at any time.
As a result of today’s injunction, wolves can no longer be taken anywhere in Wyoming except in
cases where wolves are in the act of attacking livestock. Ranchers who are experiencing
livestock depredation problems anywhere in the state should contact their local Wyoming Game
and Fish office.

Utah Bonus Point Changes

Posted by on Thursday, 19 February, 2009

Changes to the Utah bonus point program

In 2009, the Utah Wildlife Board approved some critical changes to the state’s bonus point program:
If you do not apply for a limited-entry or once-in-a-lifetime permit or a bonus point at least once in a consecutive three-year period, you will lose any bonus points you’ve accrued. Because 2009 is the first year of the three-year timeframe, point loss will not begin until after the 2011 hunt drawing.
If you are a nonresident, you may apply for permits or bonus points for all limited-entry and once-in-a-lifetime species. (However, you may draw only one permit per year.) For more information, please see page 19 [of the proclamation].
If you surrender a permit obtained through a group application, you will not have your bonus points reinstated unless all group members surrender their permits more than 30 days before the season begins. For more information, please see page 21 [of the proclamation].