Wolves on the Attack in Wyoming

This entry was posted by on Friday, 25 September, 2009 at

The following story was emailed to me. I consider the source reliable and the pictures substantiate the story. What does this have to do with Mule Deer? I’ll let you figure that out. The author was apparently in Wyoming where wolves are having a hey day on game animals.


I had one heck of an experience this past Friday. I was walking into an area I spotted 5 bulls last weekend when wolves started howling, growling and snarling about 300 yds away in the timber below me. It was just getting light so, I hung out for a while hoping to get a look at the wolves. Nothing appeared so, thinking that there were probably no elk in this spot, I headed back to the truck. I unloaded the ATV and was headed to an area called the “Natural Corral” on Bald Ridge.

About ½ mile down the dirt road I came upon a herd of cattle running around in a circle and making all sorts of sounds. The herd parted and 2 wolves popped out to look at me. Just beyond the two was another wolf on the hind end of a cow pulling a chunk of flesh from the cow that was still alive. The two wolves ran to my right and stopped about 50 yds away.

The wolf on the cow jumped off and stood on the road. I charged him with the ATV and he ran to my right and stopped 25 yds. away. I had my .44 mag and could have popped him, but knowing the penalty for killing a wolf, I pulled out the camera instead and took a picture of him while he was running away. It’s a grueling sight to see an animal being eaten alive.

I called 911 to get the local Game Warden, Chris Queen. He called back and was heading to the spot after he finished loading hay. I asked if I should put the cow down since it was still alive. He knew the owner of the herd and said not to finish it since the owner was particular about killing his cattle.

Chris called Mark Brucino, USF&W biologist that handles wolves and grizzlies in the area. Mark called me back to say he was on the way. I told him that I was heading back out to look for elk and would be back later.

The wolves starting to attack the herd again further down the road behind me. I took off down the road, but the wolves were gone. I got back to elk hunting and spotted 3 groups of cows, calves and spike bulls totaling 41. A plane appeared and was flying transect patterns. I knew it must be FWS people. The elk didn’t care for the plane and slowly head back into cover. This was not working for elk hunting so I twisted off the hunt and headed back to the truck. At the kill site I met Mark and an agent with USDA Wildlife Services (formerly Animal Damages Board), Monty Nicholson. Mark said they were trying to pick up any signals from collared wolves. None of the wolves I saw had collars. After explaining my account of the situation and a description of the wolves they made a decision to call in a chopper and hunt them down. The chopper came in and Monty jumped in with a 12 gauge and #4 Buckshot, his standard load for killing wolves and coyotes from a chopper.

Monty had explained that the area I was in is the border for 3 wolf packs; Sunlight Basin, Absaroka and Clark’s Fork. He believes these 3 wolves are lead by a older male wolf that walks with a limp. Because of the injury the older wolf cannot compete with stronger wolves for females and is leading the 3 younger males. The older wolf has a radio collar, however the plane did not pick up the signal.

Soon the rancher and trail riders arrived. Mark wrote out a ticket for the rancher to get reimbursed “7 to 1″ meaning he will get paid 7 times the cost of the 2 yr. old cow. It is based on the assumption that the cow would be able to produce 7 calves during the life span. Of course the money comes from the State even though the Feds brought the wolves into WY and now we have to deal with the mess.

What was the cost of this one situation?

– Time for 1 DOI FWS biologist

– Time for 1 USDA Wildlife Services agent

– Time for 1 WY Game Warden

– Flight time for 1 surveillance plane

– Flight time for 1 chopper

– Payment for 1 cow (.85/lb x 1000 lbs x 7 = $5,950)

So much for wolf management in WY. I could have helped out for the low, low price of one .44 mag round. At least I could have taken care of ¼ of the pack!


Story submitted by Paul Baxter

7 Responses to “Wolves on the Attack in Wyoming”

  1. Kylie Thomas

    I believe this to be one instant where man just does not understand that we have moved into wolves territory and I understand that this cow was part of a man’s livelyhood but we have came and disrupted the wolves lives as well. I think we should find an equal ground where we can make havens for wolves and solve the problem of them attacking livestock without actually killing these magnificent creatures. Shaun Ellis ” The Wolfman” has found a way he tested in Poland with wolves attacking livestock and it worked. We should try it here in the U.S. because I truly believe it could save our livestock and these beautiful wolves.

  2. I see nothing beautiful about this. I see nothing beautiful about the way wolves kill nor the amount they kill. We “moved into their territory” over 150 years ago. Since then, we have not been compatible with wolves nor they compatible with us. In the current environment, in Wyoming, we collectively, neither need wolves nor want them. To carry your proposed solution to it’s conclusion, we need to move all human beings out of Wyoming and turn it back over to wolves, grizzlies, and such. Wolves are killing machines. They have already decimated antelop and elk herds, now wolves will turn to livestock. If we are required to tolerate wolves under federal mandate, then those wolves need to be severely regulated which should include hunting as well as requiring that those who demand the return of wolves pay for their damages.

  3. Hugh "Mac" McElroy

    I have a solution. Since man is not likely to give up territory for the purpose of the propagation of more wolves, SHOOT THE WOLF! We got along fine without them for 100 yrs. Man is the at the top of the food chain today and when you allow a species like the wolf to run out of control trouble ensues.

  4. Oliver

    People. Its not a matter of beauty. Its a matter of nature. Nature balance is complex and delicate. Humanity has been breaking this balance from years now (example: Wolfs almost extinct) and this cannot continue. Look around you, read the news…our “Shoot the wolf” – “Man is at the top of the food chain” way of thinking will lead us all to extermination . And the reason is simple: Man is the only creature that kills and destroys to accumulate wealth, over and over again in a vicious manner. Wolves will kill to survive. They are predators and cows are prey…its not me talking…its nature….People, we have to stop, THINK and respect NATURE

  5. Cindy

    May I please have your permission to download the photo and repost it on Facebook? Every time I want to post an article about wolves, the accompanying news photo always shows a Disneyland wolf looking all freshly brushed like it just came from a dog show. I’l like to post photos that support my comments.

  6. You may. What is your position on wolves?


  1. Wolf hunt in Sweden | Mule Deer Fanatic

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