Getting in shape to hunt Mule Deer

This entry was posted by on Monday, 5 February, 2007 at

I know persons who have shot mule deer from the seat of their atv or vehicle. No discussion of legalities here. If you really want to hunt mule deer, you can still find places and methods that do not require you to be in physically good condition. Improving your condition, in any instance, will only make your hunt more enjoyable and beneficial. I look forward to the hunt every year because it gives me an incentive (which I otherwise lack) to get in shape, and also gets me in even better shape by the doing.

There is a lot of mule deer country that is rugged, remote, hairy, wild, and wooley. If you want the real thrill of the hunt go to such areas. Some mule deer have mountian goat blood in their genetics. Your chances for a trophy mule deer are improved by getting off the beaten path. Any exercise will help, I suppose – but, in my opinion, the only activity that is really up to the task is the task itself. Go to the area you plan to hunt, if at all possible, and hike like a crazy man. Scout for deer while your at it, and kill two birds with one stone. If you cannot do this, mimic it as closely as you possibly can. Unless it kills you, it will help you.

Happy hunting and may the Force be with you

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