Somebody Cried Wolf

This entry was posted by on Friday, 8 August, 2008 at

The wolf-huggers have pulled off a slick trick. By taking their lawsuit before a liberal Montana Federal judge, they have succeeded in getting an injunction against wolf hunting in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana for the 2008 season.

The judge decided that the wolves in the three states had not interbred enough. He doesn’t know it, but that is only because they are too busy eating to have sex.

Anyway, read about it at Wolf Crossing

One Response to “Somebody Cried Wolf”

  1. Ma’m I don’t know what type of information you really want. if it is getting them out of there or finding out if they live there. I used to be an avid hunter and fisherman for 40yrs. I’ve been a friend of Manny Puig who host Savage Wild on the Outdoor Channel I guess about 35yrs or so. We have talked about several experiences together. My grandfather G.G. Hugg is half Indian. Evert time I went to visit him in Arizona, we always packed up his van and headed to the White Mountain’s in Northeastern Az. Any way we used to call up Bobcat, coyotes and 5times we called in Wolves!! Grey Wolves. Anyway if you need any of my help please respond.


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