Wyoming man bags Wolf

This entry was posted by on Wednesday, 4 June, 2008 at

Wyoming wolf killed by Rancher

This Wyoming Rancher didn’t waste any time dealing with a problem:


This morning about 7:00 we were eating breakfast and Lora suddenly yelled “There’s a wolf in the yard!” Well, the next few seconds went pretty quick. I grabbed a rifle and cracked the door and stuck the muzzle out the door and bang we had one less wolf. Black male and weighed 93 pounds. Got him skinned and will plan to get the hide tanned. So that was the excitement for today.

Killing wolf saves wildlife

Notice the difference in size

Dead Coyote

3 Responses to “Wyoming man bags Wolf”

  1. Good for him! A few thousand deer, elk, sheep, cows, moose, dogs, ranchers, hunters, outdoor enthusiasts say, “thank you!”

  2. Wild-life Protector

    those few thousand might say thanks but the decreasing number in wolves probably dont have nice things to say about it…. I dont believe that it is right that you killed that wolf without provoction, even if he was in your yard he didnt do anything….

  3. Van

    Nice wolves! Thats really cool.
    Love the pelt on that one.

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