Roping your wife into a deer hunt

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 25 October, 2007 at

This story was told to me by a co-worker just after his first and only hunt for mule deer:


I took my wife hunting on some land adjacent to her parents’ property in central Utah. I hiked some distance from camp and saw a buck – so I shot it. When I approached the deer, it stood up and started staggering around. I could see that it had been shot near the base of the antlers. All of a sudden a wave of mischief overcame me. I got out my rope and fashioned a noose which I threw over the deer’s head. I then tied the other end to a tree.

I went to get my wife and told her I had seen a buck that she could shoot. When we got close, I had her crawl on her belly to get within range of the buck. She made a good shot on it and killed it. However, she was more than a little peeved to get to the deer and find a rope tied around its neck. She has never hunted with me since.

as told by Otto Puhlman

Now you’ll have to decide whether or not you believe it.

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