Idaho sees the problem. What about the solution?

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 29 April, 2007 at


Why do we need the Mule Deer Initiative?
Mule deer are an important wildlife resource to
Idaho’s hunters and citizens. Southern and eastern Idaho
have traditionally been well known for abundant mule
deer populations providing plenty of hunting opportunity
and big bucks. Since 1992, mule deer populations in
portions of eastern, southeastern, and south-central
Idaho are lower than desired by both Department
biologists and hunters. The Department plans to
intensively manage deer to increase the number of mule
deer and increase the proportion of mature bucks.
is no single solution. The Mule Deer Initiative includes
habitat improvement projects, population management,
stepped up enforcement efforts, predator control, access
management, and public involvement – all in an effort to
increase mule deer recruitment and survival, increase
hunter satisfaction, and protect and improve habitat.

What is being done?
Habitat loss, predators, drought, changes in
hunting technique, and access are just some of the
factors influencing mule deer populations and the
hunting experience. Deer managers have no control
over weather, climate, and human population growth.
However, there is opportunity for deer managers to
improve existing habitat, reduce the impact of predators,
reduce elk occupation of important deer habitats, and
implement hunting season and rule changes to improve
mule deer hunter experience. Just as there is no single
reason for the decline in mule deer across the west, there
deer in Idaho.

Where can I find out more?
Visit the Idaho Fish and Game website at for more information

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